do you still talk to your first love?
what was your first job?
cashier at petrol pump T__T
what was your first car?
i have yet to answer this question till i graduate and have job
who was the first person to text you today?
who is the first person you thought of this morning?
i don’t recall.
who was your first best friend/do you still talk?
zuhairah sarwar. but i dont know where she is now ;[
who was the first person you talked to today?
my mum
whose wedding were you in the first time?
hahaha i cant remember..but my aunt or uncle wedding maybe
what was the first thing you did this morning?
make coffee.
what was the first concert you ever went to?
oh goodness.. ramli sarip , unic , inteam..haha uniten 1love concert.
first broken bone?
haven’t broken a bone. *knocks on wood
first piercing?
my ears.
first movie you remember seeing?
i don’t remember :)))))
who was your first roommate?
if you had one wish, what would it be?
to be forever happy.
what is something you would learn if you had the chance?
to learn how to play the saxophone and viola .
did you marry the first person to ask for your hand in marriage/ you asked to marry?
lolsi dont know.
what was the first sport you were involved in?
hokey :)
what were the first lessons you ever took?
what is the first thing you do when you get home?
change clothes/eat/turn tv on.
who do you think will be the next person to post this?
- Atikah Nasir
- Cayam
- Ayu bahhhh
- Sakinah
- Izzah Khumairah
- Kak Yana
- Cik Akma
- Cik Cahaya
- Kinjunx
- Faraa
- Nana patung hitam
- Faiz
- Meor
PSS!!! : Drop comment kalau kamu nak saya disablekan right click untuk mudahkan kamu copy paste tag ini :]

atikah nasir tu aku ke wei?
i guess sakinah tu saye... hehehe.. really?
Atikah & Sakinah : Yes2!!! :]
happy giler.. hahaha..:D
p/s: siyes sngat hpy dpt jumper some1 lyk u in here... fyi, im new in blogging nih.. hahaha.. just walking n walking then find ur lovely blog.. i love tvd too .. (the vampire diaries) hehehe.. nice to meet u pall! ~ lots of love ~
owhh welkie:)
well i'm happy too sebab ade kawan minat vampire! yeayy :]
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