Sorry because I always cut your hair. But could you look decent and not frizz for once? Please? I’ll try to leave you alone more often. But I do love when you go the way I want to. Thanks for that.
And hands, sorry for writing on you so much. But thank for letting me be able to type new entry everyday , click camera button , play the recorder , and write. I love being able to express myself.
Legs, sorry for getting mad at you for being so “beastly” as I like to say, but thank you for being my main way of transportation. You’re gaining some muscles though. Thanks for being so flexible.
Owh sorry because i leave a huge scar on you. Blame angah for it.. Ya , I know .. sakit .. every time when im wearing the purple / dark brown shoes , owhh mummy , i feel like @&%&*. But its ok , as long as we're together , i dont care. I love you more.
Brain. Sorry for not using you enough.
Eyes, you’re my favorite. I love I can use you in so many different ways. Whether it be for cute eyes or evil eyes, you always serve a purpose.
Arms, I think we should work on gaining some muscles. I don’t want you to feel weak. I guess that’s partially my fault though.
Stomach, you’re not too bad. You’re actually quite stronger than I give you credit for and I hope that you don’t gain TOO much weight. It’s my own fault for eating too much. You were asking for it though.
Nose, you’re not too bad. Owh Angah *again* , I know , she always hurt you when she calling you this and that , but I will punch her face if you want me to do just because I love you. Make sure you know that.
Ears, sorry I hide you behind my scarf too much. I needs to.
Lips, I like you!
In conclusion body, I love you. I know we have our bad days and I criticize you a lot, but I don’t mean to put you down. You’re actually pretty great and I’ll work on keeping you healthier.
Ainnz Abiggaill

Sorry because I always cut your hair. But could you look decent and not frizz for once? Please? I’ll try to leave you alone more often. But I do love when you go the way I want to. Thanks for that.
And hands, sorry for writing on you so much. But thank for letting me be able to type new entry everyday , click camera button , play the recorder , and write. I love being able to express myself.
Legs, sorry for getting mad at you for being so “beastly” as I like to say, but thank you for being my main way of transportation. You’re gaining some muscles though. Thanks for being so flexible.
Owh sorry because i leave a huge scar on you. Blame angah for it.. Ya , I know .. sakit .. every time when im wearing the purple / dark brown shoes , owhh mummy , i feel like @&%&*. But its ok , as long as we're together , i dont care. I love you more.
Brain. Sorry for not using you enough.
Eyes, you’re my favorite. I love I can use you in so many different ways. Whether it be for cute eyes or evil eyes, you always serve a purpose.
Arms, I think we should work on gaining some muscles. I don’t want you to feel weak. I guess that’s partially my fault though.
Stomach, you’re not too bad. You’re actually quite stronger than I give you credit for and I hope that you don’t gain TOO much weight. It’s my own fault for eating too much. You were asking for it though.
Nose, you’re not too bad. Owh Angah *again* , I know , she always hurt you when she calling you this and that , but I will punch her face if you want me to do just because I love you. Make sure you know that.
Ears, sorry I hide you behind my scarf too much. I needs to.
Lips, I like you!
In conclusion body, I love you. I know we have our bad days and I criticize you a lot, but I don’t mean to put you down. You’re actually pretty great and I’ll work on keeping you healthier.
Ainnz Abiggaill

Nama gua jugak naik -__________-
hek hek hek hek v(^_^)v
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