Jan 27, 2012

Nashriq Tag!


You must post this rules:

- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
- Create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
- Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
- No tag back
- No stuff in the tagging section about 'YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU'LL ARE READING THIS YOU LEGITIMATELY' (a.k.a TRUST, REALLY, WILL BE HONESTLY) has to tag 11 people

Part A: 11 things about me

  1. I love music but I can’t sing, dance or even play any single instrument. Pop Punk is my favorite genre. 
  2. I love mystery and ghost story. I a bit believe on aliens thingy  and unicorn. Sounds lame haa ;]
  3. I love baking and cooking and food and eat :]
  4. My blood type is O.
  5. I hate Times New Roman font face so much!
  6. I love everything that looks colorful but most of my stuff is black and brown.
  7. I’m obsessed looking at airplane flying in the sky
  8. My dream car is Lancer and my all time favorite car is Subaru.
  9. For me, guy who has a nice smell (fragrance) and stylo haircut is handsome and hot.
  10. ADAM is my favorite male names.
  11. I love Twilight but I don’t own any Twilight Saga novel.

Part B: 11 questions Nash set for me

1. Ayat feveret anda bila berdepan masalah
“Relax Ainn , relax…..” .
What else to say other than something that can calm yourself rite?

2. Kerja / Study Course anda sekarang dan kenapa pilih yang ini?
Business Administration major in Human Resource.  At first, HR is not my interest. But after going through a lot of thing, I love this course so much but minus the Finance, Accounting and Economic part. Urghh…
Human Resource is heart of business and everything!

3. Berapa rajin anda berbloging dalam seminggu?
Depends on mood and modal nak buat entrylah. Kalau desperate sangat nak update blog  tapi takde modal nak membebel ,maybe  I will run my “Movie Challenge” /  buat review pasal band-band baru /  tepek gambar makanan banyak-banyak / copy paste interesting fact dari mana-mana sumber yang boleh dipercayai / doing some tag. Tapi rasanya dalam seminggu minimum 2 entry mesti terpublish kot. KOT lah :]

4. Selebriti yang anda teringin sangat nak buat bini/laki
Haih! Terlampau ramai sangat sampai rasa nak kawin cerai hari-hari untuk  merasa jadi bini kepada semua selebriti impian.
Wahhhh sungguh gatal!

5. Tempat yang teringin sangat nak pergi dan kenapa
Bali and Pulau Sipadan!  That’s all about laut,laut,laut,laut,laut!

6. Aktiviti waktu petang
Segan nak jawab  :]

7. Nasihat atau kata2 yang tak pernah anda lupa
“Just be good and sopan ok , coz dats what I like… :D”
Someone say this to me 2 years ago. But still , until now I never be so good or sopan enough. Umur sudah hampir genap 24 tahun tapi perangai macam annoying 14.  Haihhhhhhhh-

8. Sifat manusia yang paling anda benci
  • Merokok kat tempat awam terutamanya kat kedai makan. Hello bro , I nak makan nasi bukan nak makan asap meyh!
  • Bercakap tak tengok cermin *Sarcasm *
  • “Aku tak buat kau , kau buat aku pahalll”

9. Prefer badan anda berotot atau licin tak berparut?
Guy prefers badan berotot and girl prefer badan licin tak berparut. I am girl and I choose...

10. Perkara yang paling anda benci
  • Lipat baju & gosok baju 
  • Menunggu / berjalan / melepak / makan di kawasan ramai orang
  • Dalam wallet takde duit. Kosong. Zero. Empty. Miskin terokk-

11. Benci ker suka ehh jawab soalan2 nieh?? haip~
Benci? Takdelah..sukeeeeeeeeeeeeee  :]

Part C: 11 new questions for the people I tagged to answer

1. What do you think about me? Example; Emo blogger/ Slumber / Fun / Annoying / Etc
2. What do you think about my blog? Need any improvement or change anything?
3. What your all time favorite movie? Why?
4. What your all time favorite song? Why?
5. Your favorite band or singer?
6. Your favorite quotes?
7. Between Facebook , Myspace, Friendster , Blogger , Tumblr , which one do you prefer the most?
8. What software you used to edit picture? Why?
9. In 5 years from now, what you will be?
10. Do you phobia on anything?
11. I’m obsessed with vampire. I mean “English Vampire”… How bout you? Do you obsess on anything?

*Highlight and press Ctrl + C for copy the question*

Part D: 11 people I tagged to answer

Don’t mad at me if you have been tagged. Kerah otak , pusing kiri , pusing kanan , cari link blog sana sini , taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , 11 lucky people are :

1. Che Sakinah
2. Akmal
3. Puteri
4. Atikah Nasir
5. Ieda
6.  Nana Manja
7. Super Bika
8. Addin Dyna
9. Mya Sweet Tedy 
10. Shazatul Baca Diam-diam
11. Nuyuena



Abiggaill said...

Hahaha relax..xpaksa

a said...

thanks so much tau tag mya. anyway mya da penah wat tag ni hari tu. if ada kesempatan mya buat lagi. thanks again:)

Abiggaill said...

no problem!