Lagu - lagu Owl City kalau kita dengar semuanya jenis yang ringan - ringan . Selain suara Adam yang agak comel , video clip dia juga sangat WOW!!. Kadang - kadang rasa macam nak "masuk" je dalam video clip tu sebab "dunia" vc tu seronok gila. VC Owl City banyak unsur - unsur magic , memang teruja tengok vc dia. Lyric lagu dia pun comel gilerrrr~
- Kenapa aku cakap lyric dia comel gilerrr??
Sebab ok , ambik contoh lagu The Bird and The Worm. Kalau secara kasar / biasa - biasa je kita baca tajuk lagu ni , mesti kita tak perasan pun apa yang romantik sangat burung dengan ulat kan? Burung makan ulat , romantik ke? macam kejam je. But then bila baca lyric dia , nahhhh baru nampak ke-comel-an dan maksud sebenar.. Metaphors kuat!
- Kenapa aku cakap VC Owl City sangat WOW!!! ?
Cuba kau layan VC bawah ni , tak rase ke nak ada bilik macam ni ? ada keyboard yang ada button "MAGIC" ?
SWW: Is there any special significance behind the name "Owl City?"Adam: The name itself is purely designed to create imagery and spark the imagination. A name like "Owl City" seems to mean a lot of things to different people and I always enjoy hearing other peoples' interpretation of it. I wanted a name that would immediately trigger the imagination and as bizarre as it may seem, I'm happy with it.

Baru - baru ni , Owl City ada keluarkan album baru yang bertajuk All Things Bright and Beautiful. Here the track list :
1. "The Real World"
2. "Deer in the Headlights"
3. "Angels"
4. "Dreams Don't Turn to Dust"
5. "Honey and the Bee"
6. "Kamikaze"
7. "January 28, 1986"
8. "Galaxies"
9. "Hospital Flowers"
10. "Alligator Sky" (featuring Shawn Chrystopher)
11. "The Yacht Club" (featuring Lights)
12. "Plant Life"
I really adore him.
For me , Owl City is likes a imagination master :]
PSS!!! : Imagination is more important than knowledge ~ Albert Einstein
thanks sb share info psl entertainment sb sy mg into it =D
anyway, nice blog =)
Hey hey!
Ya sure.i'm into it too. Boleh geng! :]
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